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BACDIVERS-PortalWiki Overview Page

This is the primary source of documentation for the BACDIVERS-Portal.

In this overview page, you will find the following topics:

The Portal contains datasets and tools for the analysis of sequence collections, microarrays, genomes etc., and it is run by the "Bioinformatics Resource Facility (BRF)".

Powered by the CeBiTec_Infrastructure, the BACDIVERS-Portal contains more than 500 processors and several Terabytes of disk space.

The individual software packages contained in the platform have their own documentation

  • GenDB Sequence analysis for larger contigs (GENDB) and ESTs (GenDB!/SAMS).
  • EMMA Microarray data storage and analysis.

Login to the Portal

The portal requires a user name and password from every user. The assumption is made that every individual has his/her own private login. If two individuals share one login and use it simultaneously, terrible things will happen to the user settings and data.

Users need to enter user name and password into the login dialog. Since the data is transported via https all traffic encrypted and thus secure.

Browser Certificates

Unfortunately not all institutions that issue certificates are pre-configured into all browsers. Therefore please accept permanently the CeBiTec certificate. Doing so will only influence your connections to Bielefeld, no other internet connects will be influenced. After accepting the certificate once, this question should not need to be answered again (Technical Information on using Browser certificates)

Request Access to the BACDIVERS-Portal

If you are a BACDIVERS member, you can request access to the Portal by sending an e-mail to MailTo(Stefan DOT Weidner AT CeBiTec DOT Uni DASH Bielefeld DOT de). After validation the request will be forwarded to the Bioinformatics Platform. You will receive an automatic mail from our General Project Management System (GPMS) containing your login to the BACDIVERS-Portal and password.

Once logged into the Portal, you can request access to any project within BACDIVERS. See section "Data Access" below, for details.

Supported Web Browsers

Please note that not all web browsers are supported with the platform. For security reasons we recommend that users use Mozilla/Firefox or Mozilla.

While other browsers might work, we can not test with every browser to ensure compatibility. We strive to use standard D-HTML to ensure maximum compatability.

Data access

There are two major kinds of project "accessibility" within BACDIVERS:

  • "your" projects:
    • either you are a project leader and thus have access to your "own" project data,
    • or you have already requested access to this project,
    • or the project has been made public within the whole BACDIVERS community
  • "BACDIVERS" projects:
    • other projects within BACDIVERS not yet visible to you, but to which you can request access.

Access to projects is controlled by the project leaders via the GPMS web interface. All BACDIVERS members can request access to these datasets directly to the respective project leader via the Portal.

The General Project Management System (GPMS) provides the interface for requesting and granting access to projects.

Data integrity, data backup and recovery

To ensure the existence of the valuable data sets we perform nightly backup of all data on the platform. In the unlikely event of a disasterous system failure all data can be retrieved from backup tape.

Information about Tools

Some public databases are available for analysis with the Platform tools. In addition, all sequence data sets created within BACDIVERS can be analyzed with these tools. In order to avoid redundancies and facilitate maintenance, the Wiki pages for the tools listed below are described within the Marine Genomics (MGE) Wiki tools section.

Please note: Only those data sets that you have access to will be visible within the tool section.


Please feel free at any time to send us a email to MailTo(Stefan DOT Weidner AT CeBiTec DOT Uni DASH Bielefeld DOT de) with questions or suggestions for improvements.