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SAMS Overview Page

SAMS: Analysis of EST sequence libraries and shotgun reads

The "Sequence Analysis and Management System" SAMS is a simple, easy to install and maintain open source system developed by the "Bioinformatics Resource Facility (BRF)" of the "Center for Biotechnology (CeBiTec)" at "Bielefeld University". SAMS provides the mechanisms to run a variety of tools on each read/EST, presenting the results in a web form.

Please have a look at the SAMS website for general information, a guided tour and more details about the availability of this software.





Other Issues

For more information about project setup, license, application examples, and publications, please go to the SAMS website.


Please send an e-mail for account requests or questions concerning the use of SAMS to: MailTo(sams AT cebitec DOT uni DASH bielefeld DOT de)

For bug reports, please use our bug reporting system BugZilla.

Authors: Alexander Goesmann