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Revision as of 13:15, 13 April 2005 by imported>KaiRunte
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Specification Ontology Database

GPMS Information

project name


project class


project description

MetaXP is a search facility for expression data. It enables the user to quickly access experiments and their results by formulating queries such as "Give me all temperature-related stress experiments containing gene XY" or "Give me a list of all up-regulated genes in experiments on Xanthomonas campestris". MetaXP combines data from EMMA, GenDB and ProDB. The data is imported from each of these databases and processed for searchability. <http://intranet/bioinfo/MetaXP>

database name


database description

Contains only test data. Do not try to use it for real research.

database DataSource_Type

MySQL 4.x

New Members

  • Kai Runte (Chief)

Roles and Rights

Role Description Rights
User Denotes the average user. They can query the ontology database, but nothing else. basic_access
Maintainer This person can import and export an ontology, but cannot create new ones. basic_access, export, import, edit
Developer A developer has all the rights of a maintainer. Additionally (s)he should be able to alter a database structure. basic_access, export, import, edit, modify_db
Chief A chief is responsible for adding/removing users to a project/ontology. basic_access, export, import, edit, add_user
Admin An admin has basically all rights basic_access, export, import, edit, add_user, modify_db