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Browse DataSets
This Section describes the use of the Dataset Browser. A description of shered terms can be found in HelpSystem and shortcuts are explained in Ontology.
This Howto is subdevided in 2 subsections (chronological by menu prompt):
Select Dataset(s)
The following imgage shows the dialog whith three raw datasets of the current exemplary experiment. Each dataset has an unique Identifier, a self explainig Name and if available a short Description. The Cube-Order, #BA-Dim,. #DE-Dim and #QT-Dim gives you information about the sice and range of the dataset:
- Cube-Order: lay down the following order but is at current state always BDQ,
- #BA-Dim: show how many arrays where use of this dataset and is also at current state always one,
- #DE-Dim: shows how many Designelements where used and stands for the number of rows,
- #QT-Dim: shows how many Quantitationtypes where used and stands for the number of columns.
The Quality is an index for the user (ranges from very good to insufficient).
File:EMMAWiki$$WebDocumentation$$HowTos$$DatasetBrowserHowTo$browse dataset dialog.png