SAMS Overview Page
SAMS: Analysis of EST sequence libraries and shotgun reads
The "Sequence Analysis and Management System" SAMS is a simple, easy to install and maintain open source system developed by the "Bioinformatics Resource Facility (BRF)" of the "Center for Biotechnology (CeBiTec)" at "Bielefeld University". SAMS provides the mechanisms to run a variety of tools on each read/EST, presenting the results in a web form.
Please have a look at the SAMS website for general information, a guided tour and more details about the availability of this software.
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Installation =
- /CoreDocumentation
- /WebDocumentation
- /GUIDocumentation
- /DeveloperDocumentation
- /AdministratorDocumentation
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- /CoreDocumentation
- /WebDocumentation
- /GUIDocumentation
- /DeveloperDocumentation
- /AdministratorDocumentation
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- /FeatureTable
- /TermsAndConcepts
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- /TermsAndConcepts
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- /FuturePlans
Other Issues
For more information about project setup, license, application examples, and publications, please go to the SAMS website.
Please send an e-mail for account requests or questions concerning the use of SAMS to: MailTo(sams AT cebitec DOT uni DASH bielefeld DOT de)
For bug reports, please use our bug reporting system BugZilla.
Authors: virginie Mittard-Runte, Thomas Bekel