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SAMS Documentation - Administration - Managing users

SAMS uses the GPMSWiki to manages user and projects. A short introduction into the concepts can be found in GPMSWiki/TermsAndConcepts

Table of Contents

  • User management with GPMS
  • Project management
  • Password management

Project management

Similar to the user management, the project managemet is also handled by the GPMS. The GPMS allows a fine grained control about database names, project setup and further stuff. To facilitate the management of SAMS project, a special script is bundled with SAMS to setup new projects.

Permissions within SAMS are handled by certain roles that are granted to a user. GenDB currently support the following roles:

  • Guest
Provides a basic access to browse the data within a project. A guest is able to view regions, annotations and observations, but is not allowed to create new annotations, start tools or import/export data. This role is usually used for providing access to people from external insitutes/universities.
  • Annotator
The main role for people working on a project. An annotator is allowed to create new annotations, start tools and export certain data for further investigations.
  • Maintainer
  • Developer
A special role mainly used for SAMS developers. In addition to the permission of the maintainer, a developer is also able to change the structure of the database itself.
  • Chief
The project leader. A user who is given the chief role is able to do everything within SAMS. This role also contains the ability to add new user to a project.

In a typical setup, a project has one or two chiefs (the head of the group for example), one or two maintainers and an arbitrary number of annotators.

User management

The user management of SAMS is based on a number of command line scripts that are part of the GPMS component.

Creating a new SAMS project

same as for GenDB? see software wiki page

Allowing users to use a project

Password management

Passwords within MySQL are only set together with permissions to access databases. As long as a new user is not a member of any project, the information about this user is only stored within the GPMS database. No database account is created for this user.

Upon granting the first project membership to a user, GPMS will create a new database account for the user, using a random password. The password is mailed to the user's email address, given when adding the user to the GPMS database. If a user account already exists to the username, GPMS will not set a new password.

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