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Setting up a new project

If you would like to set up a new GPMS controlled project, you will need to send an email to the Lutz, Burkhard and Alex [maybe better some gpms-project-request mailing list?] with a list of parameters:

  • A project name.
  • A project class.
  • A project description.
  • You have to clarify if your project is a meta project. Meta projects do not own a database, but access the project classes' database only.

If project has its own database, you will need to provide this additional information as well:

  • A database name. This can be the same as the project's name, but does not necessarily has to be. It can, for example, be something like [project name]_test.
  • A database description. In many cases this will start with something like "database backend for project X", but should be more specific about the purpose, for example, "initial test database, don't try to make sense of the data!" or "production database for all Caenorhabditis elegans data".
  • A database DataSource_Type. Not sure what this is supposed to be.
  • The DBMS type (in most cases MySQL). Is this information still required?

For more information you can also execute the commands gpms add_project and gpms add_db. See below for a screenshot of the program's output:

cab:~>/vol/gpms-intern/bin/gpms add_project
add_project - add a new Project to project management database

usage: add_project -p <name> -c <project_class> -d <description>
       [-v -m]

where : -p <name> the Projects name
        -c <project_class> the Projects Project_Class
        -d <description> Project description
        -m project is a META project
        -v verbose
        -h print this help message

example: add_project -p gendb_test -c GENDB -d "The GenDB DB"

Nothing to be done: No project class name given!

cab:~>/vol/gpms-intern/bin/gpms add_db
add_db - add a Database (Datasource::DB) to project management database

usage: add_db -H <hostname> -t <dbms_type> -y <datasource_type>
              -A <db_api_type> (( -D <db_name>  -p <project>) | (-D <db_name> | -p <project>))
              [-d <description> -e -v]

where: -H <hostname> name of the Databases Host
       -t <dbms_type> name of the Databases DBMS_Type
       -y <datasource_type> name of the Databases Datasource_Type
       -A <db_api_type name> name of the Datasourced DB_API_Type
       -D the Databases name
          if -D is omitted Database gets same name as Project
       -p <project> name of Project the Database shall be added to
                    Note that either -D or -p or both must be specified
       -d <description> text describing the Database
       -e register existing Database to gpms and therefore
          without creating MySQL Database
       -v verbose
       -h print this help message

example: add_db -D gendb_test -H dbhost -t MySQL-3.23.52 -y GENDB -A O2DBI2

Nothing to be done: Neither database nor project name given!

This list of parameters depends a bit on what kind of project you would like to set up. If your project is belonging to one of the larger projects (e.g. EMMA, GenDB, ProDB), you can simple state the appropriate project class:

Database Name Project Class

If unsure, have a chat with Lutz, the main GPMS developer, about your project.