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Search Dialog

This dialog lets you search for any regions that are in your project.

Default search mode

The default mode hides you most information and is meant to be easy to work with. You can only search for CDS regions and use only attributes which are defined for CDS regions. If you want to search for "Annotaion Description" or/and "Annotation Comment" only in the last annotations, you have to choose the "only lastest Annotation" option for this search fields (available since GenDB version 2.4). One of the new search fields (that are available since GenDB version 2.4) is the "Contig(s)" field. By default, the search will be done in all contigs, but you can specify your search for only a part of them by selecting one or more of the contigs of the contigs list.

File:GenDBWiki$$WebDocumentation$$DialogWindows$$SearchDialog$search a2.png

Advanced search mode

The more advanced view opens when you click on the button "More options >>". Now you can select the type of region you are looking for. Attributes that are not defined for the region you chose are shown in grey and cannot be searched. The other attributes can be searched in an arbitrary combination.

File:GenDBWiki$$WebDocumentation$$DialogWindows$$SearchDialog$search b2.png

Search results

In this example, we searched for all CDS with the gene name "par" followed by nor or some arbitrary character(s) ".*".

Below the search options our results are shown. There are 4 regions which meet our criteria. These regions can either be annotated or marked in the ContigView.

File:GenDBWiki$$WebDocumentation$$DialogWindows$$SearchDialog$search c2.png

The normal mode shows only a few information of the search hits. By clicking on the button "Show details", more information will be shown for this hit.

File:GenDBWiki$$WebDocumentation$$DialogWindows$$SearchDialog$search d.png

If you click on the name of a region the ContigView will jump to that region and select it.

What can be done with the results

At the end of the result list, you could find 2 buttons ("Annotate selection" and "Highlight selection") for normal users and 2 more buttons ("Show sync annotation fields" and "Show exporting fields") if you are allowed to export and change the annotations.

If "Annotate selection" is pressed, the MultiAnnotator will pop up to annotate all the regions at once. If the "Highlight selection" button is pressed all checked regions will be highlighted blue in the ContigView and its QuickNavigationBar.

The annotation synchronization and the result list exporter are available since GenDB version 2.4.

The fields for the annotation synchronization are shown by clicking on the button "Show sync annotation fields". You can hide the fields by clicking again on the same button.

File:GenDBWiki$$WebDocumentation$$DialogWindows$$SearchDialog$search e.png

The result list exporter fields will be shown after clicking the button "Show exporting fields".

File:GenDBWiki$$WebDocumentation$$DialogWindows$$SearchDialog$search f.png

You can choose the values, which should be exported, by clicking in the associated checkboxes. Beneath this, there is a checkbox for adding a comment line to the export-file, which contains the name of the checked values. You also can choose the type of separation between "tabulator" (recommended) and "comma".

By clicking the "Export values" button, the export-file will be generated and a save dialog will be opened.